Category: News

Upcoming Events & Dates

Virtual College Fair

Students from around the world interested in attending an HBCU. Check out this opportunity on Saturday April 30th, 2022 from 1:00 to 3:00 pm EST.

Black History Month

Black history is American history, but Black History Month provides the necessary opportunity to dig deeper. Every February, we can support students as they learn more, discover cultural impacts, and follow movements through to the present day.

COVID-19 Response Protocol

Process for Moving to Temporary Remote Learning With the onset of COVID-19, Denver Public Schools, like school districts across the country, has experienced a depletion of our guest teacher pool, and a significantly higher-than-average absence rate for teachers and parasContinue Reading

Covid Testing Sites

It is our priority to keep you informed of incidents related to safety. We want to make you aware that a student or staff member has been diagnosed with COVID-19.

MCT Educator Highlighted in the New York Times!

Our very own Ethnic Studies teacher, Cori Abdolhosseinzadeh was featured in a recent New York Times article titled, “48 Pieces of Advice From Educators on How to Survive This Challenging Time.” Check out her advice in the article below!

Friday Night’s Football Game

We are committed to letting you know about incidents that affect our school and our community.

Hispanic Heritage Month

The month-long celebration honors the histories, cultures, and contributions of our Hispanic and Latinx Americans with ancestry roots from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, Central and South America. In our district, we recognize the valuable contributions in our celebration of HispanicContinue Reading

Spirit Week

Let’s celebrate our school pride by participating in Spirit Week. We will have a different theme each day. So come on and dress up for Spirit Week.

Gun at School

Sept. 10, 2021 Dear Montbello Career and Technical High School Families: It is our priority to keep you informed of incidents related to student safety. On Wednesday, we received a report that one of our students was seen with aContinue Reading

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