Fully Remote Learning & Work Day – Tuesday, March 16

Posted March 15, 2021

Dear Team DPS, Due to the extreme amount of snowfall during this weekend’s storm and the difficult travel conditions created the past two days, we will keep all school and office buildings closed on Tuesday, March 16. We will follow the guidance previously shared, and have a day of fully remote learning for our students and fully remote work for our staff. Those who are required to support on inclement weather days in-person should please talk to their supervisor for more information about specific work expectations.

We have been closely monitoring weather and travel conditions over the course of the past 72 hours. And despite the clearing weather and warmer temperatures today, the large amount of snowfall continues to make travel conditions difficult for team members to get to schools for snow removal and to get buildings and campuses ready for students. This was the fourth-largest snowfall in Denver’s history, and the massive amount of snow that fell all day yesterday has made today’s work in clearing sidewalks, parking lots, and school grounds very difficult.

Please follow your team’s plan for a fully remote learning and work day tomorrow, Tuesday, March 16. Our team will continue to monitor conditions, and we will provide an update on Tuesday regarding in-person instruction for Wednesday.

For additional information about inclement weather policies, including a Frequently Asked Questions and documents in multiple languages, please visit the DPS Weather Page.

Thank you for all of the work you do on behalf of our students, educators, and families.